Home » Buddhist Studies » Buddhist Studies » Buddhist Studies for Schools: Buddhism , A Select Bibliography: The Theravada Tradition
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2. The Theravada Tradition
Anderson, Carol S. Pain and Its Ending: The Four Noble Truths in the Theravada Buddhist Canon. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, 1999.
Aronson, Harvey B. Love and Sympathy in Theravada Buddhism. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1980.
Bond, George D. The Buddhist Revival in Sri Lanka-Religious Tradition, Reinterpretation and Response. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1988.
Boisvert, Mathieu. The Five Aggregates: Understanding Theravada Psychology and Soteriology. Delhi: Sri Satguru, 1997.
Bunnag, J. Buddhist Monk, Buddhist Layman: A Study of Urban Monastic Organization in Central Thailand. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1973.
Burford, Grace G. Desire, Death, and Goodness: The Conflict of Ultimate Values in Theravada Buddhism. New York: Peter Lang Publ., 1990.
Carrithers, Michael. The Forest Monks of Sri Lanka: An Anthropological and Historical Study. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1983.
Carter, J.R., ed. The Threefold Refuge in the Theravada Buddhist Tradition. Chambersburg, PA: Anima Books, 1982.
Collins, Steven. Selfless Persons: Imagery and Thought in Theravada Buddhism. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1982.
de Silva, K.M., et al., eds. Ethnic Conflict in Buddhist Societies: Sri Lanka, Thailand and Burma. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1988.
Dharmasena Thera (Ranjini Obeyesekere, trans.). Jewels of the Doctrine. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1991.
Gethin, Rupert. The Buddhist Path to Awakening: A Study of the Bodhi-Pakkhiya Dhamma. Oxford, UK: Oneworld, 2nd ed., 2001.
Gombrich, Richard F. Precept and Practice: Traditional Buddhism in the Rural Highlands of Ceylon. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1971.
Gombrich, Richard F. Theravada Buddhism: A Social History from Ancient Benares to Modern Colombo. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1988.
Gombrich, Richard F. and Gananath Obeyesekere. Buddhism Transformed: Religious Change in Sri Lanka. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1988.
Gorkom, Nina van. Abhidhamma in Daily Life. London: Triple Gem Press, 1997.
Govinda, Lama Anagarika. The Psychological Attitude of Early Buddhist Philosophy and its Systematic Representation according to Abhiddhamma Tradition. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1992.
Gunaratana, Henepola Venerable. Eight Mindful Steps to Happiness: Walking the Path of the Buddha. Boston, MA: Wisdom, 2001.
Gunaratana, Henepola Venerable. Mindfulness in Plain English. Boston, MA: Wisdom, 1992.
Hamilton, Sue. Identity and Experience: The Constitution of the Human Being According to Early Buddhism. London: Luzac, 1996.
Harvey, Peter. The Selfless Mind-Personality, Consciousness and Nirvana in Early Buddhism. London: Curzon Press, 1995.
Hoffman, Frank J. Rationality and Mind in Early Buddhism. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1992.
Holt, John Clifford, Jacob N. Kinnard and Jonathan S. Walters, eds. Constituting Communities: Theravada Buddhism and the Religious Cultures of South and Southeast Asia. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2004.
Ishii, Yoneo. Sangha, State, and Society: Thai Buddhism in History. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press, 1986.
Kalupahana, David J. Ethics in Early Buddhism. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press, 1995.
Katz, Nathan. Buddhist Images of Human Perfection: The Arahant of the Sutta Pitaka Compared with the Bodhisattva and the Mahasiddha. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2nd ed., 1990.
Khema, Ayya. Being Nobody, Going Nowhere. London: Wisdom, 1987.
King, Winston L. In the Hope of Nibbana: An Essay on Theravada Buddhist Ethics. La Salle, IL: Open Court, 1964.
King, Winston L. Theravada Meditation: The Buddhist Transformation of Yoga. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1980.
Kornfield, Jack and Paul Breiter. A Still Forest Pool: The Insight Meditation of Achaan Chah. Wheaton, IL: Quest Books/Theosophical Publ. House, 1985.
Lester, R.C. Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1973.
Ling, Trevor O. Buddhism, Imperialism and War: Burma and Thailand in Modern History. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1979.
Ling, Trevor O. Buddhism and the Mythology of Evil: A Study in Theravada Buddhism. Oxford, England: Oneworld Publ., 1997.
Malalgoda, Kitsiri. Buddhism in Sinhalese Society, 1760-1900. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1976.
Ñanananda, Bhikkhu. The Magic of the Mind: An Exposition of the Kalakarama Sutta. Seattle, WA: Pariyatti Press, 1997.
Obeyesekere, Gananath, Frank Reynolds and Bardwell L. Smith, eds. The Two Wheels of Dhamma; Essays on the Theravada Tradition in India and Ceylon. Chambersburg, PA: American Academy of Religion, 1972.
Perez-Ramon, Joacquin. Self and Non-Self in Early Buddhism. The Hague: Mouton, 1980.
Rahula, Walpola. History of Buddhism in Ceylon. Colombo: Gunasena, 1956.
Smith, Bardwell, ed. Religion and Legitimation of Power in Sri Lanka. Chambersburg, PA: Anima Books, 1978.
Smith, Bardwell, ed. The Two Wheels of Dhamma: Essays on the Theravada Tradition in India and Ceylon. Chambersburg, PA: American Academy of Religion, 1972,
Spiro, Melford E. Buddhism and Society: A Great Tradition and Its Burmese Vicissitudes. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2nd ed., 1982.
Swearer, Donald K. The Buddhist World of Southeast Asia. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1995.
Swearer, Donald K., ed. Me and Mine: Selected Essays of Bhikkhu Buddhadasa. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1989.
Tambiah, Stanley J. Buddhism Betrayed? Religion, Politics and Violence in Sri Lanka. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1992.
Tambiah, Stanley J. Buddhism and the Spirit-Cults in North-East Thailand. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1970.
Tambiah, Stanley J. World Conqueror and World Renouncer: A Study of Buddhism and Polity in Thailand. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1976.
Thanissaro, Bhikkhu. The Mind Like Fire Unbound. Barre, MA: Dhamma Dana Publ., 1993.
Thera, Nyanaponika (Bhikkhu Bodhi, ed.). Abhidhamma Studies: Buddhist Explorations of Consciousness and Time. Boston, MA: Wisdom/Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1998.
Trainor, Kevin. Relics, Ritual, and Representation in Buddhism: Rematerializing the Sri Lankan Theravada Tradition. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Wijayaratna, Mohan. Buddhist Monastic Life According to the Texts of the Theravada Tradition. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
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