Buddhist Studies for secondary students
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Unit 8: Contemporary Issues

Buddhist Approach to the Contemporary World

Areas of Focus:
• identify aspects of continuity and change within the belief system;
• evaluate the impact of globalisation on the belief system;
• identify the impact of technology on the belief system;
• examine the impact of the belief system on the wider society at a national and global level.

Message for a Globalised World
Global problem-solving: A Buddhist perspective

Encouraging Constructive Technology
E-Learning Buddhism on the Internet

The Environment
Universal Responsibility and the Environment
Buddhism and the Echocrisis: The Role of Buddhism in Enhancing Environmental Philosophy and Psychology in the West Today.

Buddhism for the Future
Buddhism and the Future: Social Concerns, Buddhist Values, Role of the Sangha.

Select and Discuss a story from:
The Jataka Tales
> The Buddha & his Disciples


This section provides links to works by a leading Buddhist monk,Venerable P.A. Payutto which deal with society's ills within a Buddhist framework. There are Buddhist perspectives on other issues such as globalisation, the constructive use of technology, Buddhism and the Echocrisis, and a contribution from His Holiness, the Dalai Lama on Universal Responsibility and the Environment. On a positive note, there is a article by the well-known Buddhist writer, Venerable Dr. Sri Dhammananda on Buddhism and the Future.

Secondary Level Unit 8: Contemporary Issues
Multiple Choice Questionnaire
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Activity Box

Facing the Future: Four Essays on the Social Relevance of Buddhism, by Bhikkhu Bodhi. (eBook Library)
The Meditation Class: Instructions in Insight and Loving-kindness meditation - showing techniques in sitting and walking.
eBook Library: Nine Maha (Great) Buddhist Crossword Puzzles.
Online Research Projects: Choose a topic from nine suggested research projects.
The Dhammapada: The Buddha's Path to Wisdom.

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