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This is a very popular book on questions and answers on basic Buddhism. Read the answers to questions that people often ask about the Buddha’s Teachings with Venerable S. Dhammika. The book covers topics such as What is Buddhism? Basic Buddhist Concepts, Buddhism and the god Idea, The Five Precepts, Rebirth, Meditation, Wisdom and Compassion, Vegetarianism, Good Luck and Fate and Becoming a Buddhist.
• Chinese version: Good Question, Good Answer (2,379 KB)
• Spanish version: Good Question, Good Answer (330 KB)
• Arabic version: Good Question, Good Answer (253 KB)
For more translations of “Good Question, Good Answer”, please visit: www.goodquestiongoodanswer.net
The Four Noble Truths are the central Teaching of the Buddha. This booklet was compiled and edited from talks given by Venerable Ajahn Sumedho on the teaching of the Buddha: that the unhappiness of humanity can be overcome through spiritual means. The teaching is conveyed through the Buddha’s Four Noble Truths, first expounded in 528 BC in the Deer Park at Sarnath near Varanasi, India and kept alive in the Buddhist world ever since.
This small book represents the wish of some of those fortunate enough to have received Dhamma teachings from Venerable Ajahn Sumedho to share them with others. The first section describes what taking the Three Refuges in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha means; and the second section is composed of passages from three or four different talks on the subject of Mindfulness of Breathing. Lastly, the book discusses happiness, unhappiness and Nibanna.
This book is a small sample of the talks that Ajahn Sumedho offered during the winter retreat of 2001. The aim of the editors in compiling this book has been explicitly to maintain the style and spirit of the spoken word. As Ajahn Sumedho himself commented, “The book is meant to be suggestions of ways to investigate conscious experience. It’s not meant to be a didactic treatise on Pali Buddhism.”
The essence of the Buddha’s teaching can be summed up in two principles: the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. The first covers the side of doctrine, and the primary response it elicits is understanding; the second covers the side of discipline, in the broadest sense of that word, and the primary response it calls for is practice. In the structure of the teaching these two principles lock together into an indivisible unity called the dhamma-vinaya, the doctrine-and-discipline, or, in brief, the Dhamma.
This text is a transcript of teachings given by Jack Kornfeld on the Eightfold Path. These teachings are aimed at the householder. Each part of the Eightfold Path is explained in a separate chapter. The tone of the teaching is contemporary and non-technical. The universality and relevance of the Buddha’s teaching are illustrated by numerous quotations from more recent luminaries. There are also some useful exercises which enable the reader to experience the truth of these teachings.
Dr Santina covers what we might call the basic Buddhist teachings over a series of twelve lectures. The basic teachings outlined here include: the Life of the Buddha, the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, Karma, Rebirth, Dependent Origination, The Three Universal Characteristics and The Five Aggregates. Dr Santina also puts Buddhism into its context by describing the pre-Buddhist background and gives an overview of Buddhism from a modern perspective in a very readable way.
This book is an elaboration of Dr Santina “Fundamentals of Buddhism”. In keeping with the original objectives of the study of basic Buddhism, this book is – as far as possible – non-technical. It is intended for the ordinary readers not having any special expertise in Buddhist studies or in Buddhist canonical languages. This book can supply a general introduction to the major traditions of Buddhism, but does not pretend to be complete or definitive. This book will serve as the beginning of its readers’ Buddhist education and not the end of it.
This is a comprehensive and authentic book on the Buddha and his Teachings by Piyadassi. The author, Venerable Mahathera Piyadassi is one of the world’s most eminent Buddhist monks, a highly revered teacher of great renown, a indefatigable worker for the Buddha Dhamma. “The ages roll by and the Buddha seems not so far away after all; his voice whispers in our ears and tells us not to run away from the struggle but, calm-eyed, to face it, and to see in life ever greater opportunities for growth and advancement”.
This is a classic on the basics of Buddhism by the late Ven. Narada Thera: The Story of the Buddha; The Teachings (Dhamma) is it a philosophy? Is Buddhism a religion? Is Buddhism as Ethical system? Some salient features of Buddhism. Karma or the Law of Moral Causation. Rebirth. Dependent Arising (Paticca Samuppada). Anatta or Soul-lessness. Nibanna and The Path to Nibbana.
The contents of this book comprise a collection of expanded notes on talks on Buddhism given by this famous Burmese Buddhist master, Venerable Sayadaw U Thittilla in the west over the period 1938-1983. Some of the themes are: ‘What is Buddhism’, ‘Likes and Dislikes’, ‘A Short History of Buddhism’, ‘What Kamma Is’, ‘The Path to Nibbana’ and ‘The Abhidhamma Philosophy’.
These are insightful teachings by a Lay Thai women teacher, Kee Nanayon (1901-1978); who established a Dhamma centre, Khao-Suan-Luang in 1945. Upasika Kee attracted Dhamma students, and residents came to include both female lay devotees and white-robed nuns. These Dhamma talks were mainly given to the women who stayed at her centre to practice meditation. After listening with calm and centred mind, they would all sit in meditation together.
Dr. Dharmawardena points out that the reason why classical science cannot explain rebirth is due to inherent limitations in classical science. Modern science has transcended these limitations, and therefore rebirth is within the scope of modern science. Modern science accepts rebirth as a scientifically acceptable phenomenon through the same tests used to prove scientific acceptability of generally accepted modern science phenomena.
“People have asked me about my practice. How do I prepare my mind for meditation? There is nothing special. I just keep it where it always is. They ask. “Then are you an Arahant? Do I know? I am like a tree in the forest, full of leaves, blossoms and fruit. Birds come to eat and nest, and animals seek rest in the shade. Yet the tree does not know itself. It follows its own nature. It is as it is”. – Ajahn Chah.
This book is a unique collection of poems, write-ups, illustrations and photos. In Venerable Sujiva’s sincere and heartfelt writings, readers may find many touching incidents related by him in his many years of teaching. They will also come to understand him, his compassion and loving-kindness as well as the Dhamma by simply flowing with his pen.
The first part of the book tells us what we need to put in place for complete Dharma practice – the Eightfold Path, going for refuge, and the Bodhisattva spirit. In the second half the book shows us how to turn those requisites into a genuine living practice that embraces the whole of our life thus surely leading to the profound transformation that we all desire.
The contents of this popular publication are a simple exposition of Buddhism as a modern way of life. This highly qualified Sri Lankan Buddhist scholar has a special gift of interpreting the Buddha’s Teachings for people from every walk of life. His whole approach to the exposition of the Dhamma is governed by his deep concern for giving the ancient teachings a contemporary relevance, and has a meaning that cuts across the boundaries of time, space, race, culture and even religious beliefs.
This expanded 4th edition of “What Buddhists Believe” answers many questions which are asked about Buddhism by Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. There are so many misconceptions regarding superstitions and misinterpretations which are associated with this noble religion that it has become imperative to explain the Teachings in a manner which has contemporary relevance.
Dr K. Sri Dhammananda explains some Buddhist cultural practices: Going for Refuges, Religious Rites, Alms Giving, Marriage, Buddhist Education and Cultural Practices, Images, Holy Water, Holy Thread, Talismans and Amulets, Blessing Services for Children, Death, Post Mortem, Funerals, Burial and Cremation, Disposal of the Ashes, Period of Mourning, Post-Funeral Rites and Memorial Services.
Some of the topics Dr K. Sri Dhammananda addresses here are: Buddhism as a Force Against War; Unity in Buddhist Schools of Thought; Ecumenism, Role of the Sangha, The Bhikkhuni Order, Proselytization, Buddhist Values, The Third Millennium, The Lay Person, Social Concerns.
Four essays on the social relevance of Buddhism: A Buddhist Social Ethic for the New Century; A Buddhist Approach to Economic and Social development; The Changing Face of Buddhism; Sangha at the Crossroads. In this collection of essays, Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi uses the Buddha’s teaching as a lens through which to examine some of the confusions about social values that have engulfed us at the dawn of the new century.
This book is a compilation of extracts from letters written by Sayadaw U Jotika, a Burmese Buddhist monk, to his Western students ten to fifteen years ago. These letters have been collated under the topics indicated by these chapter headings: Mind, Mindfulness and Meditation; Solitude; Parental Love and Guidance; Life, Living and Death; Learning and Teaching; Value and Philosophy; Friendship, Relationships and Loving-kindness.
Subtitled: The Attraction of Spiritual Leaders by Francis Story. This booklet is a good reminder to us, so that we always strive in the right direction. Practice is the only way. Even though faith and devotion to one’s teacher can be a positive thing, we must always remember that “an excessive faith is accompanied by corresponding deficiency of wisdom”.
Metamorphosis of a Mother. For twenty-five years Francis Story lived in Asian countries, where he deeply studied the Buddha’s philosophy of life. His research into the teachings on rebirth started while in Myanmar (Burma) and was later continued with careful investigation of spontaneous rebirth recollections. This book includes ‘A Reading Guide to Death and Rebirth’, by Ven. Bodhisara which offers an overview on some topics of death and rebirth: near death experiences, past life experiences, dying and caring for the dying, etc.
The Principles of Buddhism explained by Buddhadasa, Bhikkhu. As a guide for newcomers to the Buddha Dhamma (the Truth which the Buddha awakened to and subsequently taught), this book is an invaluable guide. In it are contained the essential teachings of Buddhism. The Handbook is especially useful for those who approach the Buddha’s teaching not as a subject for scholarly study but as a means to understand and ennoble their lives. It includes chapters on ‘Looking at Buddhism’ and the ‘True Nature of Things’.
The Natural Cure for Spiritual Disease is a guide to Buddhist science, it includes three talks given in 1986 by this world-renowned Thai Buddhist teacher: ‘The Scientific Cure of Spiritual Disease’, ‘The Use of Dhamma’ and ‘New Life of Peace’. Venerable Buddhadasa is well known for the readiness with which he gives non-literal interpretations of Buddhist texts. He does not hesitate to reject as naive a word-for-word interpretation that has no bearing on real life.
The format to “Buddha Dhamma for Students” is as answers to questions a non-Buddhist is likely to ask about the fundamentals of Buddhism. It is the results of two talks given by Ajahn Buddhadasa in January 1966 to students at Thammasat University, Bangkok. Ajahn Buddhadasa always has tried to set both young and old straight as to what Buddhism really teaches. He goes back to the original principles pointed out by the Buddha, explaining these simply and directly, and showing that their relevance is timeless.
Kamma is an interesting subject because it concerns everyone and there are many different aspects of it. There are many natural laws that govern our lives but the most important is the law of kamma-vipaka. In a discourse (A.N. 6.63) the Buddha said, “Intention, monks, is kamma I say. Having willed, one acts through body, speech and mind”. This means that intentional action is kamma, and vipaka is the result or effects of it. The result may ripen immediately, later in this life or in a future life.
The Art of Living with Ven. Master Chin Kung, a Master of the Pure Land School of Buddhism. The Art of Living has chapters on: The Education of Buddha Shakyamuni, our Original Teacher; The Four Kinds of Buddhism Today; How Homemakers Can Cultivate the Bodhisattva Way in Daily Life, and an excellent Question and Answer section. Included is a glossary and a contact list of Ven. Master Chin Kung’s teaching centres around the world.
These are Dharma Talks given in Australia by Ven. Master Chin Kung. The teachings of Master Chin Kung are based on true sincerity towards others; purity of mind; equality in everything we see; proper understanding of ourselves and our environment; compassion by helping others in a wise and unconditional way. See through to the truth of impermanence; let go of all wandering thoughts and attachments; accord with conditions to go along with the environment. Be mindful of Amitabha Buddha – wishing to reach the Pure Land and follow His Teachings.
A Dharma Talk given by Ven. Master Chin Kung at An-Kang Elementary School, Taipei 1989. Transcribed and translated into English by the Dallas Buddhist Association. In this talk Venerable Master Chin Kung gives us an explanation of his understanding of Buddhism as an education rather than as a religion. There are chapters on the author’s own experience of Buddhism and the methodology and symbolism of the Buddhist Educational System.
In the sumptuous Buddhist literature of the world, “The Light of Asia”, by Sir Edwin Arnold, is without any doubt, a unique work. It is primarily because, this is the only original poem written in English on the Buddha, throughout the long history of Buddhism. This distinction is quite necessary to be established, because there are translations of original Pali works into English and other languages. Some of these are outstanding instances of spiritual poetry. Sir Edwin Arnold, the Author of this epic poem, was initially persuaded to compose this sacred work, as a result of his deep and abiding desire to aid in the better and mutual understanding between East and West.
An Illustrated version of the ‘Light of Asia’, with text.
In this life of the Buddha’s personal attendant, Venerable Ananda, we see that in his character and outlook, Ananda was touchingly and movingly human. This was partly because of his simple and charming behaviour, and his ever-present readiness to help anyone who was in distress or difficulty. In spite of his administrative and organisational responsibilities as the Buddha’s attendant, Ananda displayed a deep intellectuality and a profound grasp of abstruse philosophic concepts.
Ven. Chatsumarn Kabilsingh provides answers to questions often asked about women and the ordination issue and related topics. She responds to such questions as: In the Buddha’s time what role did women play in Buddhism? Why cannot women become buddhas? What is the Buddhist attitude towards prostitution? What is an attitude of a Buddhist towards abortion? What is the unique characteristic in American Buddhism which might interest a feminist?
Today, when the role of Women in Society is an issue of worldwide interest it is opportune that we should pause to look at it from a Buddhist perspective. In the recent past, a number of books have been written on the changing status of women in Hindu and Islamic societies, but with regard to women in Buddhism, ever since the distinguished Pali scholar, Miss I.B. Horner, wrote her book on Women under Primitive Buddhism, as far back as 1930, very little interest has been taken in the subject. It seems, therefore, justified to raise again the question whether the position of women in Buddhist societies was better than that in non-Buddhist societies of Asia. We will look briefly into the position in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Burma and Tibet, at a time before the impact of the West was ever felt.
While walking along the path to liberation a Buddhist has to live in the world and deal with the conditions of worldly existence. This problem is likely to be felt especially acutely by the lay Buddhist, who may find that the demands and attractions of secular life tend to pull him or her away from the path to deliverance. However, the Buddha was not unaware of or unconcerned about this dilemma confronted by his lay disciples, but gave it his careful attention. He taught his lay followers how to organize lay life in accordance with the ethical principles of the Dhamma and how to lead successful lay lives without deviating from the path of rectitude.
This booklet is based on material used during a seminar that I have taught in Singapore and elsewhere, entitled “Preparing for Death and Helping the Dying.” This seminar answers a genuine need in today’s world, as expressed by one participant: “I am interested to know more about death and how to help dying people, but it’s very difficult to find anyone willing to talk about these things.” The material for the seminar is taken mainly from two sources: traditional Buddhist teachings, and contemporary writings in the field of caring for the dying. This booklet is meant as a brief introduction to the subject rather than a detailed explanation.
This is a hand book on Buddhist Funerals, with sections on practical advice as to what is to be done when a family member is critically ill; the final moments; when death takes place; preparing for the funeral; paying last respects; the final rites; verses for contemplation; the burial / cremation ceremony and the memorial service.
Imagine a life partner, a family member or a close friend of yours is dying. How might she or he be feeling? Facing death, being in pain maybe. What are her or his intimate needs and wishes? What happens to us when staying with a dying person? How can we deal with the sorrow, the confusing thoughts and the trying situation? How should we communicate with her or him and with the family members and friends? When a beloved person is dying we are touched to our deepest core. Difficult, painful emotions may rush up, stirring in our hearts. Dying and death becomes a great challenger, breaking into our lives – which we try so hard to keep smooth and under control.
A Buddhist View of Animal Slaughter and Meat Eating. “No discussion of animal welfare would be meaningful that did not deal with the morality of flesh eating. Since I have chosen to put this subject in the context of Buddhism, it seems desirable, first of all, to discuss the significance of the first precept in Buddhism of not taking life. This in turn raises two fundamental questions: Can the first precept be fairly construed to prohibit meat eating? and second, Is there reliable evidence that the Buddha sanctioned flesh eating? . . . ” Philip Kapleau, Roshi.
The idea of a pilgrimage came from the Buddha himself. Before He passed into Mahaparinibbana, the Buddha advised pious disciples to visit four places that may be for their inspiration after He was gone. They are Lumbini, where He was born; Buddhagaya, where He attained Supreme Enlightenment; Deer Park in Sarnath, where He preached the First Sermon; and Kusinara, where He passed into Mahaparinibbana.
The purpose of this book is threefold. Firstly it aims to critically examine the fundamentalist approach to Christianity and thereby highlight its many logical, philosophical and ethical problems. The second aim of this book is to help fundamentalist Christians who might read it to understand why some people are not and will never be Christians. The third aim of this book is to awaken in Buddhists a deeper appreciation for their own religion.
This is an account of the process of casting a Buddha statue: a case study of the making of Phra Buddha Dhammacakra. The process of casting explained and illustrated. An Introduction of Buddhism. Rudiments of Mental-collectiveness. Dhammacakra Mudra: the meaning. Chanting for the Phra Buddha Dhammacakra. The placement and inauguration ceremony of the Phra Buddha statue.
Liao-Fan Yuan originally wrote Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons in the sixteenth century in China. The book was intended to teach his son, Tian-Chi Yuan, how to recognize the true face of destiny, tell good from bad, correct one’s faults and practice kind deeds. It also provided living proof of the rewards and outcomes of people who practiced kind deeds and cultivated virtue and humility. Relating from his own experience at changing destiny, Mr. Yuan himself was a living embodiment of his teachings.
NOTE: This is a revised and expanded edition of The Seeker’s Glossary of Buddhism. The text is a compendium of excerpts and quotations from some 350 works by monks, nuns, professors, scholars and other laypersons from nine different countries, in their own words or in translation. The editors have merely organized the material, adding a few connecting thoughts of their own for ease in reading.
Practicing Buddhism is sometimes described as like walking though a forest on a misty day. Eventually you “get wet” and come to a deeper understanding of the teachings. The same might be said about
environmentalism. Eventually, hopefully, it moves from manipulating or even saving the environment and becomes the environment. “Getting wet” in this sense is incorporating a spiritual perspective in working with and in the environment. This is called Deep Ecology.
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