Home » Guide to Tipitaka: Anguttara – Ekaka Nipata
A³guttara Nikæya
(1) Ekaka Nipæta Pæ¹i
This group contains single items of dhamma which form the subject matter of discourses given by the Buddha at Sævatthi to the numerous bhikkhus residing there. But some of the suttas were given by the Venerable Særiputta or the Venerable Ænanda.
(a) There is no one sight, sound, smell, taste and touch other than that of a woman which can captivate and distract the mind of a man; conversely there is no one sight, sound, smell, taste and touch other than that of a man which can captivate and distract the mind of a woman. (paras 1 to 10)
(b) There is no other single thing that brings about so much disadvantage and unhappiness as an undeveloped and uncultivated mind. A developed and cultivated mind brings about benefit and happiness. (paras 28 to 31)
(c) No other single thing changes so quickly as the mind. The mind is intrinsically pure and bright; it is defiled by greed, hatred and ignorance. (paras 48, 49)
(d) If a bhikkhu practises the meditation of loving-kindness, and develops it even for the short duration of a fingersnap, he is regarded as following the advice of the Buddha, acting according to his instructions. Such a bhikkhu deserves to eat the alms-food offered by the people. (paras 53, 54)
(e) There is only one person whose appearance in the world brings welfare and happiness to the many, brings benefit, welfare and happiness to devas and men. It is a Tathægata, a fully Enlightened Buddha.
It is impossible for two Enlightened Buddhas to appear simultaneously in the same world system. (paras 170 to 174)
(f) It is impossible for a person possessed of right views, i.e. a Sotæpanna, to regard any conditioned formation as permanent, happiness, Self (nicca, sukha, atta). It is possible only for an uninstructed worldling to regard anything as permanent, happiness, Self. (paras 268 to 270)
(g) If one thing is developed and frequently practised, the body is calmed, the mind is calmed, discursive thinking is stilled, ignorance is shed, knowledge arises, delusion of self is eliminated, evil tendencies are eradicated, the fetters are removed. That one thing is the mindful contemplation of the body. (paras 571 to 576)
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